The potential benefits of integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) are anticipated to play a significant role in future sub-terahertz (sub-THz) systems. However, the beam squint effect is pronounced in sub-THz systems, expanding coverage areas while severely degrading communication performance. Existing hybrid precoding designs struggle to balance both functionalities in the presence of beam squint, limiting the performance gain achievable through ISAC. To address this challenge, we propose two squint-aware hybrid precoding schemes for sub-THz systems that proactively regulate the correlation between communication and sensing channels, leveraging the inherent degrees of freedom in the hardware to enhance integrated gain. We introduce a squint-aware optimization-based hybrid precoding algorithm (SA-Opt) and develop an unsupervised learning-assisted complex-valued squint-aware network (CSP-Net) to reduce complexity, tailoring its architecture to the specific data and task characteristics. The effectiveness of the proposed schemes is demonstrated through simulations.