In this paper, we study the impact of the ageing on modern deep speaker embedding based automatic speaker verification (ASV) systems. We have selected two different datasets to examine ageing on the state-of-the-art ECAPA-TDNN system. The first dataset, used for addressing short-term ageing (up to 10 years time difference between enrollment and test) under uncontrolled conditions, is VoxCeleb. The second dataset, used for addressing long-term ageing effect (up to 40 years difference) of Finnish speakers under a more controlled setup, is Longitudinal Corpus of Finnish Spoken in Helsinki (LCFSH). Our study provides new insights into the impact of speaker ageing on modern ASV systems. Specifically, we establish a quantitative measure between ageing and ASV scores. Further, our research indicates that ageing affects female English speakers to a greater degree than male English speakers, while in the case of Finnish, it has a greater impact on male speakers than female speakers.