Focusing on the expert problem in online learning, this paper studies the interpolation of several performance metrics via $\phi$-regret minimization, which measures the performance of an algorithm by its regret with respect to an arbitrary action modification rule $\phi$. With $d$ experts and $T\gg d$ rounds in total, we present a single algorithm achieving the instance-adaptive $\phi$-regret bound \begin{equation*} \tilde O\left(\min\left\{\sqrt{d-d^{\mathrm{unif}}_\phi+1},\sqrt{d-d^{\mathrm{self}}_\phi}\right\}\cdot\sqrt{T}\right), \end{equation*} where $d^{\mathrm{unif}}_\phi$ is the maximum amount of experts modified identically by $\phi$, and $d^{\mathrm{self}}_\phi$ is the amount of experts that $\phi$ trivially modifies to themselves. By recovering the optimal $O(\sqrt{T\log d})$ external regret bound when $d^{\mathrm{unif}}_\phi=d$, the standard $\tilde O(\sqrt{T})$ internal regret bound when $d^{\mathrm{self}}_\phi=d-1$ and the optimal $\tilde O(\sqrt{dT})$ swap regret bound in the worst case, we improve existing results in the intermediate regimes. In addition, the same algorithm achieves the optimal quantile regret bound, which corresponds to even easier settings of $\phi$ than the external regret. Building on the classical reduction from $\phi$-regret minimization to external regret minimization on stochastic matrices, our main idea is to further convert the latter to online linear regression using Haar-wavelet-inspired matrix features. Then, we apply a particular $L_1$-version of comparator-adaptive online learning algorithms to exploit the sparsity in this regression subroutine.