Neural networks often favor shortcut heuristics based on surface-level patterns. As one example, language models (LMs) behave like n-gram models early in training. However, to correctly apply grammatical rules, LMs must rely on hierarchical syntactic representations instead of n-grams. In this work, we use cases studies of English grammar to explore how latent structure in training data drives models toward improved out-of-distribution (OOD) generalization.We then investigate how data composition can lead to inconsistent OOD behavior across random seeds and to unstable training dynamics. Our results show that models stabilize in their OOD behavior only when they fully commit to either a surface-level linear rule or a hierarchical rule. The hierarchical rule, furthermore, is induced by grammatically complex sequences with deep embedding structures, whereas the linear rule is induced by simpler sequences. When the data contains a mix of simple and complex examples, potential rules compete; each independent training run either stabilizes by committing to a single rule or remains unstable in its OOD behavior. These conditions lead `stable seeds' to cluster around simple rules, forming bimodal performance distributions across seeds. We also identify an exception to the relationship between stability and generalization: models which memorize patterns from low-diversity training data can overfit stably, with different rules for memorized and unmemorized patterns. Our findings emphasize the critical role of training data in shaping generalization patterns and how competition between data subsets contributes to inconsistent generalization outcomes across random seeds. Code is available at