Wireless time-sensitive networking (WTSN) is essential for Industrial Internet of Things. We address the problem of minimizing time slots needed for WTSN transmissions while ensuring reliability subject to interference constraints -- an NP-hard task. Existing semidefinite programming (SDP) methods can relax and solve the problem but suffer from high polynomial complexity. We propose a sparse interference graph-aided SDP (SIG-SDP) framework that exploits the interference's sparsity arising from attenuated signals between distant user pairs. First, the framework utilizes the sparsity to establish the upper and lower bounds of the minimum number of slots and uses binary search to locate the minimum within the bounds. Here, for each searched slot number, the framework optimizes a positive semidefinite (PSD) matrix indicating how likely user pairs share the same slot, and the constraint feasibility with the optimized PSD matrix further refines the slot search range. Second, the framework designs a matrix multiplicative weights (MMW) algorithm that accelerates the optimization, achieved by only sparsely adjusting interfering user pairs' elements in the PSD matrix while skipping the non-interfering pairs. We also design an online architecture to deploy the framework to adjust slot assignments based on real-time interference measurements. Simulations show that the SIG-SDP framework converges in near-linear complexity and is highly scalable to large networks. The framework minimizes the number of slots with up to 10 times faster computation and up to 100 times lower packet loss rates than compared methods. The online architecture demonstrates how the algorithm complexity impacts dynamic networks' performance.