In bearing only tracking using a towed array, the array can sense the bearing angle of the target but is unable to differentiate whether the target is on the left or the right side of the array. Thus, the traditional tracking algorithm generates tracks in both the sides of the array which create difficulties when interception is required. In this paper, we propose a method based on likelihood of measurement which along with the estimators can resolve left-right ambiguity and track the target. A case study has been presented where the target moves (a) in a straight line with a near constant velocity, (b) maneuvers with a turn, and observer takes a `U'-like maneuver. The method along with the various estimators has been applied which successfully resolves the ambiguity and tracks the target. Further, the tracking results are compared in terms of the root mean square error in position and velocity, bias norm, \% of track loss and the relative execution time.