Inspired by the recently remarkable successes of Sparse Representation (SR), Collaborative Representation (CR) and sparse graph, we present a novel hypergraph model named Regression-based Hypergraph (RH) which utilizes the regression models to construct the high quality hypergraphs. Moreover, we plug RH into two conventional hypergraph learning frameworks, namely hypergraph spectral clustering and hypergraph transduction, to present Regression-based Hypergraph Spectral Clustering (RHSC) and Regression-based Hypergraph Transduction (RHT) models for addressing the image clustering and classification issues. Sparse Representation and Collaborative Representation are employed to instantiate two RH instances and their RHSC and RHT algorithms. The experimental results on six popular image databases demonstrate that the proposed RH learning algorithms achieve promising image clustering and classification performances, and also validate that RH can inherit the desirable properties from both hypergraph models and regression models.