Over-parameterization is ubiquitous nowadays in training neural networks to benefit both optimization in seeking global optima and generalization in reducing prediction error. However, compressive networks are desired in many real world applications and direct training of small networks may be trapped in local optima. In this paper, instead of pruning or distilling an over-parameterized model to compressive ones, we propose a parsimonious learning approach based on differential inclusions of inverse scale spaces, that generates a family of models from simple to complex ones with a better efficiency and interpretability than stochastic gradient descent in exploring the model space. It enjoys a simple discretization, the Split Linearized Bregman Iterations, with provable global convergence that from any initializations, algorithmic iterations converge to a critical point of empirical risks. One may exploit the proposed method to boost the complexity of neural networks progressively. Numerical experiments with MNIST, Cifar-10/100, and ImageNet are conducted to show the method is promising in training large scale models with a favorite interpretability.