Well-performed deep neural networks (DNNs) generally require massive labelled data and computational resources for training. Various watermarking techniques are proposed to protect such intellectual properties (IPs), wherein the DNN providers implant secret information into the model so that they can later claim IP ownership by retrieving their embedded watermarks with some dedicated trigger inputs. While promising results are reported in the literature, existing solutions suffer from watermark removal attacks, such as model fine-tuning and model pruning. In this paper, we propose a novel DNN watermarking solution that can effectively defend against the above attacks. Our key insight is to enhance the coupling of the watermark and model functionalities such that removing the watermark would inevitably degrade the model's performance on normal inputs. To this end, unlike previous methods relying on secret features learnt from out-of-distribution data, our method only uses features learnt from in-distribution data. Specifically, on the one hand, we propose to sample inputs from the original training dataset and fuse them as watermark triggers. On the other hand, we randomly mask model weights during training so that the information of our embedded watermarks spreads in the network. By doing so, model fine-tuning/pruning would not forget our function-coupled watermarks. Evaluation results on various image classification tasks show a 100\% watermark authentication success rate under aggressive watermark removal attacks, significantly outperforming existing solutions. Code is available: