We study the problem of efficiently computing the derivative of the fixed-point of a parametric nondifferentiable contraction map. This problem has wide applications in machine learning, including hyperparameter optimization, meta-learning and data poisoning attacks. We analyze two popular approaches: iterative differentiation (ITD) and approximate implicit differentiation (AID). A key challenge behind the nonsmooth setting is that the chain rule does not hold anymore. Building upon the recent work by Bolte et al. (2022), who proved linear convergence of nondifferentiable ITD, we provide an improved linear rate for ITD and a slightly better rate for AID, both in the deterministic case. We further introduce NSID, a new stochastic method to compute the implicit derivative when the fixed point is defined as the composition of an outer map and an inner map which is accessible only through a stochastic unbiased estimator. We establish rates for the convergence of NSID, encompassing the best available rates in the smooth setting. We present illustrative experiments confirming our analysis.