Conventional finite element methods are known to be tedious in adaptive refinements due to their conformal regularity requirements. Further, the enrichment functions for adaptive refinements are often not readily available in general applications. This work introduces a novel neural network-enriched Partition of Unity (NN-PU) approach for solving boundary value problems via artificial neural networks with a potential energy-based loss function minimization. The flexibility and adaptivity of the NN function space are utilized to capture complex solution patterns that the conventional Galerkin methods fail to capture. The NN enrichment is constructed by combining pre-trained feature-encoded NN blocks with an additional untrained NN block. The pre-trained NN blocks learn specific local features during the offline stage, enabling efficient enrichment of the approximation space during the online stage through the Ritz-type energy minimization. The NN enrichment is introduced under the Partition of Unity (PU) framework, ensuring convergence of the proposed method. The proposed NN-PU approximation and feature-encoded transfer learning forms an adaptive approximation framework, termed the neural-refinement (n-refinement), for solving boundary value problems. Demonstrated by solving various elasticity problems, the proposed method offers accurate solutions while notably reducing the computational cost compared to the conventional adaptive refinement in the mesh-based methods.