Recent research in multi-task learning reveals the benefit of solving related problems in a single neural network. 3D object detection and multi-object tracking (MOT) are two heavily intertwined problems predicting and associating an object instance location across time. However, most previous works in 3D MOT treat the detector as a preceding separated pipeline, disjointly taking the output of the detector as an input to the tracker. In this work, we present Minkowski Tracker, a sparse spatio-temporal R-CNN that jointly solves object detection and tracking. Inspired by region-based CNN (R-CNN), we propose to solve tracking as a second stage of the object detector R-CNN that predicts assignment probability to tracks. First, Minkowski Tracker takes 4D point clouds as input to generate a spatio-temporal Bird's-eye-view (BEV) feature map through a 4D sparse convolutional encoder network. Then, our proposed TrackAlign aggregates the track region-of-interest (ROI) features from the BEV features. Finally, Minkowski Tracker updates the track and its confidence score based on the detection-to-track match probability predicted from the ROI features. We show in large-scale experiments that the overall performance gain of our method is due to four factors: 1. The temporal reasoning of the 4D encoder improves the detection performance 2. The multi-task learning of object detection and MOT jointly enhances each other 3. The detection-to-track match score learns implicit motion model to enhance track assignment 4. The detection-to-track match score improves the quality of the track confidence score. As a result, Minkowski Tracker achieved the state-of-the-art performance on Nuscenes dataset tracking task without hand-designed motion models.