The contribution of this paper includes two aspects. First, we study the lower bound complexity for the minimax optimization problem whose objective function is the average of $n$ individual smooth component functions. We consider Proximal Incremental First-order (PIFO) algorithms which have access to gradient and proximal oracle for each individual component. We develop a novel approach for constructing adversarial problems, which partitions the tridiagonal matrix of classical examples into $n$ groups. This construction is friendly to the analysis of incremental gradient and proximal oracle. With this approach, we demonstrate the lower bounds of first-order algorithms for finding an $\varepsilon$-suboptimal point and an $\varepsilon$-stationary point in different settings. Second, we also derive the lower bounds of minimization optimization with PIFO algorithms from our approach, which can cover the results in \citep{woodworth2016tight} and improve the results in \citep{zhou2019lower}.