Detecting surrounding vehicles by low-cost LIDAR has been drawing enormous attention. In low-cost LIDAR, vehicles present a multi-layer L-Shape. Based on our previous optimization/criteria-based L-Shape fitting algorithm, we here propose a data-driven and model-based method for robust vehicle segmentation and tracking. The new method uses T-linkage RANSAC to take a limited amount of noisy data and performs a robust segmentation for a moving car against noise. Compared with our previous method, T-Linkage RANSAC is more tolerant of observation uncertainties, i.e., the number of sides of the target being observed, and gets rid of the L-Shape assumption. In addition, a vehicle tracking system with Multi-Model Association (MMA) is built upon the segmentation result, which provides smooth trajectories of tracked objects. A manually labeled dataset from low-cost multi-layer LIDARs for validation will also be released with the paper. Experiments on the dataset show that the new approach outperforms previous ones based on multiple criteria. The new algorithm can also run in real-time.