Sound Event Detection (SED) is challenging in noisy environments where overlapping sounds obscure target events. Language-queried audio source separation (LASS) aims to isolate the target sound events from a noisy clip. However, this approach can fail when the exact target sound is unknown, particularly in noisy test sets, leading to reduced performance. To address this issue, we leverage the capabilities of large language models (LLMs) to analyze and summarize acoustic data. By using LLMs to identify and select specific noise types, we implement a noise augmentation method for noise-robust fine-tuning. The fine-tuned model is applied to predict clip-wise event predictions as text queries for the LASS model. Our studies demonstrate that the proposed method improves SED performance in noisy environments. This work represents an early application of LLMs in noise-robust SED and suggests a promising direction for handling overlapping events in SED. Codes and pretrained models are available at