Hyperparameter optimization is critical in modern machine learning, requiring expert knowledge, numerous trials, and high computational and human resources. Despite the advancements in Automated Machine Learning (AutoML), challenges in terms of trial efficiency, setup complexity, and interoperability still persist. To address these issues, we introduce a novel paradigm leveraging Large Language Models (LLMs) to automate hyperparameter optimization across diverse machine learning tasks, which is named AgentHPO (short for LLM Agent-based Hyperparameter Optimization). Specifically, AgentHPO processes the task information autonomously, conducts experiments with specific hyperparameters (HPs), and iteratively optimizes them based on historical trials. This human-like optimization process largely reduces the number of required trials, simplifies the setup process, and enhances interpretability and user trust, compared to traditional AutoML methods. Extensive empirical experiments conducted on 12 representative machine-learning tasks indicate that AgentHPO not only matches but also often surpasses the best human trials in terms of performance while simultaneously providing explainable results. Further analysis sheds light on the strategies employed by the LLM in optimizing these tasks, highlighting its effectiveness and adaptability in various scenarios.