Machine unlearning has raised significant interest with the adoption of laws ensuring the ``right to be forgotten''. Researchers have provided a probabilistic notion of approximate unlearning under a similar definition of Differential Privacy (DP), where privacy is defined as statistical indistinguishability to retraining from scratch. We propose Langevin unlearning, an unlearning framework based on noisy gradient descent with privacy guarantees for approximate unlearning problems. Langevin unlearning unifies the DP learning process and the privacy-certified unlearning process with many algorithmic benefits. These include approximate certified unlearning for non-convex problems, complexity saving compared to retraining, sequential and batch unlearning for multiple unlearning requests. We verify the practicality of Langevin unlearning by studying its privacy-utility-complexity trade-off via experiments on benchmark datasets, and also demonstrate its superiority against gradient-decent-plus-output-perturbation based approximate unlearning.