What can an agent learn in a stochastic Multi-Armed Bandit (MAB) problem from a dataset that contains just a single sample for each arm? Surprisingly, in this work, we demonstrate that even in such a data-starved setting it may still be possible to find a policy competitive with the optimal one. This paves the way to reliable decision-making in settings where critical decisions must be made by relying only on a handful of samples. Our analysis reveals that \emph{stochastic policies can be substantially better} than deterministic ones for offline decision-making. Focusing on offline multi-armed bandits, we design an algorithm called Trust Region of Uncertainty for Stochastic policy enhancemenT (TRUST) which is quite different from the predominant value-based lower confidence bound approach. Its design is enabled by localization laws, critical radii, and relative pessimism. We prove that its sample complexity is comparable to that of LCB on minimax problems while being substantially lower on problems with very few samples. Finally, we consider an application to offline reinforcement learning in the special case where the logging policies are known.