actions.Video results can be found on the project webpage:
Despite the recent strides in video generation, state-of-the-art methods still struggle with elements of visual detail. One particularly challenging case is the class of egocentric instructional videos in which the intricate motion of the hand coupled with a mostly stable and non-distracting environment is necessary to convey the appropriate visual action instruction. To address these challenges, we introduce a new method for instructional video generation. Our diffusion-based method incorporates two distinct innovations. First, we propose an automatic method to generate the expected region of motion, guided by both the visual context and the action text. Second, we introduce a critical hand structure loss to guide the diffusion model to focus on smooth and consistent hand poses. We evaluate our method on augmented instructional datasets based on EpicKitchens and Ego4D, demonstrating significant improvements over state-of-the-art methods in terms of instructional clarity, especially of the hand motion in the target region, across diverse environments and