Learning directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) to identify causal relations underlying observational data is crucial but also poses significant challenges. Recently, topology-based methods have emerged as a two-step approach to discovering DAGs by first learning the topological ordering of variables and then eliminating redundant edges, while ensuring that the graph remains acyclic. However, one limitation is that these methods would generate numerous spurious edges that require subsequent pruning. To overcome this limitation, in this paper, we propose an improvement to topology-based methods by introducing limited time series data, consisting of only two cross-sectional records that need not be adjacent in time and are subject to flexible timing. By incorporating conditional instrumental variables as exogenous interventions, we aim to identify descendant nodes for each variable. Following this line, we propose a hierarchical topological ordering algorithm with conditional independence test (HT-CIT), which enables the efficient learning of sparse DAGs with a smaller search space compared to other popular approaches. The HT-CIT algorithm greatly reduces the number of edges that need to be pruned. Empirical results from synthetic and real-world datasets demonstrate the superiority of the proposed HT-CIT algorithm.