Most neural text-to-speech (TTS) models require <speech, transcript> paired data from the desired speaker for high-quality speech synthesis, which limits the usage of large amounts of untranscribed data for training. In this work, we present Guided-TTS, a high-quality TTS model that learns to generate speech from untranscribed speech data. Guided-TTS combines an unconditional diffusion probabilistic model with a separately trained phoneme classifier for text-to-speech. By modeling the unconditional distribution for speech, our model can utilize the untranscribed data for training. For text-to-speech synthesis, we guide the generative process of the unconditional DDPM via phoneme classification to produce mel-spectrograms from the conditional distribution given transcript. We show that Guided-TTS achieves comparable performance with the existing methods without any transcript for LJSpeech. Our results further show that a single speaker-dependent phoneme classifier trained on multispeaker large-scale data can guide unconditional DDPMs for various speakers to perform TTS.