This paper provides a finite-time analysis of linear stochastic approximation (LSA) algorithms with fixed step size, a core method in statistics and machine learning. LSA is used to compute approximate solutions of a $d$-dimensional linear system $\bar{\mathbf{A}} \theta = \bar{\mathbf{b}}$, for which $(\bar{\mathbf{A}}, \bar{\mathbf{b}})$ can only be estimated through (asymptotically) unbiased observations $\{(\mathbf{A}(Z_n),\mathbf{b}(Z_n))\}_{n \in \mathbb{N}}$. We consider here the case where $\{Z_n\}_{n \in \mathbb{N}}$ is an i.i.d. sequence or a uniformly geometrically ergodic Markov chain, and derive $p$-moments inequality and high probability bounds for the iterates defined by LSA and its Polyak-Ruppert averaged version. More precisely, we establish bounds of order $(p \alpha t_{\operatorname{mix}})^{1/2}d^{1/p}$ on the $p$-th moment of the last iterate of LSA. In this formula $\alpha$ is the step size of the procedure and $t_{\operatorname{mix}}$ is the mixing time of the underlying chain ($t_{\operatorname{mix}}=1$ in the i.i.d. setting). We then prove finite-time instance-dependent bounds on the Polyak-Ruppert averaged sequence of iterates. These results are sharp in the sense that the leading term we obtain matches the local asymptotic minimax limit, including tight dependence on the parameters $(d,t_{\operatorname{mix}})$ in the higher order terms.