Recently, neural implicit 3D reconstruction in indoor scenarios has become popular due to its simplicity and impressive performance. Previous works could produce complete results leveraging monocular priors of normal or depth. However, they may suffer from over-smoothed reconstructions and long-time optimization due to unbiased sampling and inaccurate monocular priors. In this paper, we propose a novel neural implicit surface reconstruction method, named FD-NeuS, to learn fine-detailed 3D models using multi-level importance sampling strategy and multi-view consistency methodology. Specifically, we leverage segmentation priors to guide region-based ray sampling, and use piecewise exponential functions as weights to pilot 3D points sampling along the rays, ensuring more attention on important regions. In addition, we introduce multi-view feature consistency and multi-view normal consistency as supervision and uncertainty respectively, which further improve the reconstruction of details. Extensive quantitative and qualitative results show that FD-NeuS outperforms existing methods in various scenes.