We propose and analyze exact and inexact regularized Newton-type methods for finding a global saddle point of a \textit{convex-concave} unconstrained min-max optimization problem. Compared to their first-order counterparts, investigations of second-order methods for min-max optimization are relatively limited, as obtaining global rates of convergence with second-order information is much more involved. In this paper, we highlight how second-order information can be used to speed up the dynamics of dual extrapolation methods {despite inexactness}. Specifically, we show that the proposed algorithms generate iterates that remain within a bounded set and the averaged iterates converge to an $\epsilon$-saddle point within $O(\epsilon^{-2/3})$ iterations in terms of a gap function. Our algorithms match the theoretically established lower bound in this context and our analysis provides a simple and intuitive convergence analysis for second-order methods without requiring any compactness assumptions. Finally, we present a series of numerical experiments on synthetic and real data that demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed algorithms.