Quadrotors have gained popularity over the last decade, aiding humans in complex tasks such as search and rescue, mapping and exploration. Despite their mechanical simplicity and versatility compared to other types of aerial vehicles, they remain vulnerable to rotor failures. In this paper, we propose an algorithmic and mechanical approach to addressing the quadrotor fault-tolerant problem in case of rotor failures. First, we present a fault-tolerant detection and control scheme that includes various attitude error metrics. The scheme transitions to a fault-tolerant control mode by surrendering the yaw control. Subsequently, to ensure compatibility with platform sensing constraints, we investigate the relationship between variations in robot rotational drag, achieved through a modular mechanical design appendage, resulting in yaw rates within sensor limits. This analysis offers a platform-agnostic framework for designing more reliable and robust quadrotors in the event of rotor failures. Extensive experimental results validate the proposed approach providing insights into successfully designing a cost-effective quadrotor capable of fault-tolerant control. The overall design enhances safety in scenarios of faulty rotors, without the need for additional sensors or computational resources.