In the past decade, the deployment of deep learning (Artificial Intelligence (AI)) methods has become pervasive across a spectrum of real-world applications, often in safety-critical contexts. This comprehensive research article rigorously investigates the ethical dimensions intricately linked to the rapid evolution of AI technologies, with a particular focus on the healthcare domain. Delving deeply, it explores a multitude of facets including transparency, adept data management, human oversight, educational imperatives, and international collaboration within the realm of AI advancement. Central to this article is the proposition of a conscientious AI framework, meticulously crafted to accentuate values of transparency, equity, answerability, and a human-centric orientation. The second contribution of the article is the in-depth and thorough discussion of the limitations inherent to AI systems. It astutely identifies potential biases and the intricate challenges of navigating multifaceted contexts. Lastly, the article unequivocally accentuates the pressing need for globally standardized AI ethics principles and frameworks. Simultaneously, it aptly illustrates the adaptability of the ethical framework proposed herein, positioned skillfully to surmount emergent challenges.