3D color lookup tables (LUTs) enable precise color manipulation by mapping input RGB values to specific output RGB values. 3D LUTs are instrumental in various applications, including video editing, in-camera processing, photographic filters, computer graphics, and color processing for displays. While an individual LUT does not incur a high memory overhead, software and devices may need to store dozens to hundreds of LUTs that can take over 100 MB. This work aims to develop a neural network architecture that can encode hundreds of LUTs in a single compact representation. To this end, we propose a model with a memory footprint of less than 0.25 MB that can reconstruct 512 LUTs with only minor color distortion ($\bar{\Delta}E_M$ $\leq$ 2.0) over the entire color gamut. We also show that our network can weight colors to provide further quality gains on natural image colors ($\bar{\Delta}{E}_M$ $\leq$ 1.0). Finally, we show that minor modifications to the network architecture enable a bijective encoding that produces LUTs that are invertible, allowing for reverse color processing. Our code is available at