Transformer-based recommender systems, such as BERT4Rec or SASRec, achieve state-of-the-art results in sequential recommendation. However, it is challenging to use these models in production environments with catalogues of millions of items: scaling Transformers beyond a few thousand items is problematic for several reasons, including high model memory consumption and slow inference. In this respect, RecJPQ is a state-of-the-art method of reducing the models' memory consumption; RecJPQ compresses item catalogues by decomposing item IDs into a small number of shared sub-item IDs. Despite reporting the reduction of memory consumption by a factor of up to 50x, the original RecJPQ paper did not report inference efficiency improvements over the baseline Transformer-based models. Upon analysing RecJPQ's scoring algorithm, we find that its efficiency is limited by its use of score accumulators for each item, which prevents parallelisation. In contrast, LightRec (a non-sequential method that uses a similar idea of sub-ids) reported large inference efficiency improvements using an algorithm we call PQTopK. We show that it is also possible to improve RecJPQ-based models' inference efficiency using the PQTopK algorithm. In particular, we speed up RecJPQ-enhanced SASRec by a factor of 4.5 x compared to the original SASRec's inference method and by a factor of 1.56 x compared to the method implemented in RecJPQ code on a large-scale Gowalla dataset with more than a million items. Further, using simulated data, we show that PQTopK remains efficient with catalogues of up to tens of millions of items, removing one of the last obstacles to using Transformer-based models in production environments with large catalogues.