Recent advances on deep learning models come at the price of formidable training cost. The increasing model size is one of the root cause, but another less-emphasized fact is that data scale is actually increasing at a similar speed as model scale, and the training cost is proportional to both of them. Compared to the rapidly evolving model architecture, how to efficiently use the training data (especially for the expensive foundation model pertaining) is both less explored and difficult to realize due to the lack of a convenient framework that focus on data efficiency capabilities. To this end, we present DeepSpeed Data Efficiency library, a framework that makes better use of data, increases training efficiency, and improves model quality. Specifically, it provides efficient data sampling via curriculum learning, and efficient data routing via random layerwise token dropping. DeepSpeed Data Efficiency takes extensibility, flexibility and composability into consideration, so that users can easily utilize the framework to compose multiple techniques and apply customized strategies. By applying our solution to GPT-3 1.3B and BERT-Large language model pretraining, we can achieve similar model quality with up to 2x less data and 2x less time, or achieve better model quality under similar amount of data and time.