The ever-increasing need for spectrum for mobile broadband systems has led to the recent allocation of spectral resources for International Mobile Telecommunication (IMT) services in the upper mid band (6.425 - 7.125 GHz) at the World Radio Conference (WRC-23) as well as to the creation of an agenda item on identifying future IMT bands in the frequency region 7.125 - 10.5 GHz at WRC-27. The severity of the impact of these frequency allocations on existing UWB systems, which have been using this part of the spectrum as a sub-secondary user for many years, is still subject to controversial discussions. This paper contributes a study on the impact of IMT on a real-world vehicular UWB keyless entry system to this discussion. It is shown that both the car's wireless on-board unit and a nearby basestation may drastically affect the system's performance.