This paper presents an ontology design along with knowledge engineering, and multilingual semantic reasoning techniques to build an automated system for assimilating culinary information for Indian food in the form of a knowledge graph. The main focus is on designing intelligent methods to derive ontology designs and capture all-encompassing knowledge about food, recipes, ingredients, cooking characteristics, and most importantly, nutrition, at scale. We present our ongoing work in this workshop paper, describe in some detail the relevant challenges in curating knowledge of Indian food, and propose our high-level ontology design. We also present a novel workflow that uses AI, LLM, and language technology to curate information from recipe blog sites in the public domain to build knowledge graphs for Indian food. The methods for knowledge curation proposed in this paper are generic and can be replicated for any domain. The design is application-agnostic and can be used for AI-driven smart analysis, building recommendation systems for Personalized Digital Health, and complementing the knowledge graph for Indian food with contextual information such as user information, food biochemistry, geographic information, agricultural information, etc.