Intent classification is a fundamental task in natural language understanding, aiming to categorize user queries or sentences into predefined classes to understand user intent. The most challenging aspect of this particular task lies in effectively incorporating all possible classes of intent into a dataset while ensuring adequate linguistic variation. Plenty of research has been conducted in the related domains in rich-resource languages like English. In this study, we introduce BNIntent30, a comprehensive Bengali intent classification dataset containing 30 intent classes. The dataset is excerpted and translated from the CLINIC150 dataset containing a diverse range of user intents categorized over 150 classes. Furthermore, we propose a novel approach for Bengali intent classification using Generative Adversarial BERT to evaluate the proposed dataset, which we call GAN-BnBERT. Our approach leverages the power of BERT-based contextual embeddings to capture salient linguistic features and contextual information from the text data, while the generative adversarial network (GAN) component complements the model's ability to learn diverse representations of existing intent classes through generative modeling. Our experimental results demonstrate that the GAN-BnBERT model achieves superior performance on the newly introduced BNIntent30 dataset, surpassing the existing Bi-LSTM and the stand-alone BERT-based classification model.