We present a novel method, AerialBooth, for synthesizing the aerial view from a single input image using its text description. We leverage the pretrained text-to-2D image stable diffusion model as prior knowledge of the 3D world. The model is finetuned in two steps to optimize for the text embedding and the UNet that reconstruct the input image and its inverse perspective mapping respectively. The inverse perspective mapping creates variance within the text-image space of the diffusion model, while providing weak guidance for aerial view synthesis. At inference, we steer the contents of the generated image towards the input image using novel mutual information guidance that maximizes the information content between the probability distributions of the two images. We evaluate our approach on a wide spectrum of real and synthetic data, including natural scenes, indoor scenes, human action, etc. Through extensive experiments and ablation studies, we demonstrate the effectiveness of AerialBooth and also its generalizability to other text-controlled views. We also show that AerialBooth achieves the best viewpoint-fidelity trade-off though quantitative evaluation on 7 metrics analyzing viewpoint and fidelity w.r.t. input image. Code and data is available at