An established normative approach for understanding the algorithmic basis of neural computation is to derive online algorithms from principled computational objectives and evaluate their compatibility with anatomical and physiological observations. Similarity matching objectives have served as successful starting points for deriving online algorithms that map onto neural networks (NNs) with point neurons and Hebbian/anti-Hebbian plasticity. These NN models account for many anatomical and physiological observations; however, the objectives have limited computational power and the derived NNs do not explain multi-compartmental neuronal structures and non-Hebbian forms of plasticity that are prevalent throughout the brain. In this article, we review and unify recent extensions of the similarity matching approach to address more complex objectives, including a broad range of unsupervised and self-supervised learning tasks that can be formulated as generalized eigenvalue problems or nonnegative matrix factorization problems. Interestingly, the online algorithms derived from these objectives naturally map onto NNs with multi-compartmental neurons and local, non-Hebbian learning rules. Therefore, this unified extension of the similarity matching approach provides a normative framework that facilitates understanding the multi-compartmental neuronal structures and non-Hebbian plasticity found throughout the brain.