Abstract:In this paper, we focus on the matching recovery problem between a pair of correlated Gaussian Wigner matrices with a latent vertex correspondence. We are particularly interested in a robust version of this problem such that our observation is a perturbed input $(A+E,B+F)$ where $(A,B)$ is a pair of correlated Gaussian Wigner matrices and $E,F$ are adversarially chosen matrices supported on an unknown $\epsilon n * \epsilon n$ principle minor of $A,B$, respectively. We propose a vector-approximate message passing (vector-AMP) algorithm that succeeds in polynomial time as long as the correlation $\rho$ between $(A,B)$ is a non-vanishing constant and $\epsilon = o\big( \tfrac{1}{(\log n)^{20}} \big)$. The main methodological inputs for our result are the iterative random graph matching algorithm proposed in \cite{DL22+, DL23+} and the spectral cleaning procedure proposed in \cite{IS24+}. To the best of our knowledge, our algorithm is the first efficient random graph matching type algorithm that is robust under any adversarial perturbations of $n^{1-o(1)}$ size.
Abstract:Detection of correlation in a pair of random graphs is a fundamental statistical and computational problem that has been extensively studied in recent years. In this work, we consider a pair of correlated (sparse) stochastic block models $\mathcal{S}(n,\tfrac{\lambda}{n};k,\epsilon;s)$ that are subsampled from a common parent stochastic block model $\mathcal S(n,\tfrac{\lambda}{n};k,\epsilon)$ with $k=O(1)$ symmetric communities, average degree $\lambda=O(1)$, divergence parameter $\epsilon$, and subsampling probability $s$. For the detection problem of distinguishing this model from a pair of independent Erd\H{o}s-R\'enyi graphs with the same edge density $\mathcal{G}(n,\tfrac{\lambda s}{n})$, we focus on tests based on \emph{low-degree polynomials} of the entries of the adjacency matrices, and we determine the threshold that separates the easy and hard regimes. More precisely, we show that this class of tests can distinguish these two models if and only if $s> \min \{ \sqrt{\alpha}, \frac{1}{\lambda \epsilon^2} \}$, where $\alpha\approx 0.338$ is the Otter's constant and $\frac{1}{\lambda \epsilon^2}$ is the Kesten-Stigum threshold. Our proof of low-degree hardness is based on a conditional variant of the low-degree likelihood calculation.
Abstract:Motivated by the problem of matching two correlated random geometric graphs, we study the problem of matching two Gaussian geometric models correlated through a latent node permutation. Specifically, given an unknown permutation $\pi^*$ on $\{1,\ldots,n\}$ and given $n$ i.i.d. pairs of correlated Gaussian vectors $\{X_{\pi^*(i)},Y_i\}$ in $\mathbb{R}^d$ with noise parameter $\sigma$, we consider two types of (correlated) weighted complete graphs with edge weights given by $A_{i,j}=\langle X_i,X_j \rangle$, $B_{i,j}=\langle Y_i,Y_j \rangle$. The goal is to recover the hidden vertex correspondence $\pi^*$ based on the observed matrices $A$ and $B$. For the low-dimensional regime where $d=O(\log n)$, Wang, Wu, Xu, and Yolou [WWXY22+] established the information thresholds for exact and almost exact recovery in matching correlated Gaussian geometric models. They also conducted numerical experiments for the classical Umeyama algorithm. In our work, we prove that this algorithm achieves exact recovery of $\pi^*$ when the noise parameter $\sigma=o(d^{-3}n^{-2/d})$, and almost exact recovery when $\sigma=o(d^{-3}n^{-1/d})$. Our results approach the information thresholds up to a $\operatorname{poly}(d)$ factor in the low-dimensional regime.
Abstract:We propose an efficient algorithm for matching two correlated Erd\H{o}s--R\'enyi graphs with $n$ vertices whose edges are correlated through a latent vertex correspondence. When the edge density $q= n^{- \alpha+o(1)}$ for a constant $\alpha \in [0,1)$, we show that our algorithm has polynomial running time and succeeds to recover the latent matching as long as the edge correlation is non-vanishing. This is closely related to our previous work on a polynomial-time algorithm that matches two Gaussian Wigner matrices with non-vanishing correlation, and provides the first polynomial-time random graph matching algorithm (regardless of the regime of $q$) when the edge correlation is below the square root of the Otter's constant (which is $\approx 0.338$).
Abstract:Motivated by the problem of matching vertices in two correlated Erd\H{o}s-R\'enyi graphs, we study the problem of matching two correlated Gaussian Wigner matrices. We propose an iterative matching algorithm, which succeeds in polynomial time as long as the correlation between the two Gaussian matrices does not vanish. Our result is the first polynomial time algorithm that solves a graph matching type of problem when the correlation is an arbitrarily small constant.