Abstract:Humor recognition aims to identify whether a specific speaker's text is humorous. Current methods for humor recognition mainly suffer from two limitations: (1) they solely focus on one aspect of humor commonalities, ignoring the multifaceted nature of humor; and (2) they typically overlook the critical role of speaker individuality, which is essential for a comprehensive understanding of humor expressions. To bridge these gaps, we introduce the Commonality and Individuality Incorporated Network for Humor Recognition (CIHR), a novel model designed to enhance humor recognition by integrating multifaceted humor commonalities with the distinctive individuality of speakers. The CIHR features a Humor Commonality Analysis module that explores various perspectives of multifaceted humor commonality within user texts, and a Speaker Individuality Extraction module that captures both static and dynamic aspects of a speaker's profile to accurately model their distinctive individuality. Additionally, Static and Dynamic Fusion modules are introduced to effectively incorporate the humor commonality with speaker's individuality in the humor recognition process. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of CIHR, underscoring the importance of concurrently addressing both multifaceted humor commonality and distinctive speaker individuality in humor recognition.