Abstract:Sequential propagation of chaos (SPoC) is a recently developed tool to solve mean-field stochastic differential equations and their related nonlinear Fokker-Planck equations. Based on the theory of SPoC, we present a new method (deepSPoC) that combines the interacting particle system of SPoC and deep learning. Under the framework of deepSPoC, two classes of frequently used deep models include fully connected neural networks and normalizing flows are considered. For high-dimensional problems, spatial adaptive method are designed to further improve the accuracy and efficiency of deepSPoC. We analysis the convergence of the framework of deepSPoC under some simplified conditions and also provide a posterior error estimation for the algorithm. Finally, we test our methods on a wide range of different types of mean-field equations.
Abstract:We introduce an adaptive sampling method for the Deep Ritz method aimed at solving partial differential equations (PDEs). Two deep neural networks are used. One network is employed to approximate the solution of PDEs, while the other one is a deep generative model used to generate new collocation points to refine the training set. The adaptive sampling procedure consists of two main steps. The first step is solving the PDEs using the Deep Ritz method by minimizing an associated variational loss discretized by the collocation points in the training set. The second step involves generating a new training set, which is then used in subsequent computations to further improve the accuracy of the current approximate solution. We treat the integrand in the variational loss as an unnormalized probability density function (PDF) and approximate it using a deep generative model called bounded KRnet. The new samples and their associated PDF values are obtained from the bounded KRnet. With these new samples and their associated PDF values, the variational loss can be approximated more accurately by importance sampling. Compared to the original Deep Ritz method, the proposed adaptive method improves accuracy, especially for problems characterized by low regularity and high dimensionality. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our new method through a series of numerical experiments.