Abstract:We study the problem of leaky private information retrieval (L-PIR), where the amount of privacy leakage is measured by the pure differential privacy parameter, referred to as the leakage ratio exponent. Unlike the previous L-PIR scheme proposed by Samy et al., which only adjusted the probability allocation to the clean (low-cost) retrieval pattern, we optimize the probabilities assigned to all the retrieval patterns jointly. It is demonstrated that the optimal retrieval pattern probability distribution is quite sophisticated and has a layered structure: the retrieval patterns associated with the random key values of lower Hamming weights should be assigned higher probabilities. This new scheme provides a significant improvement, leading to an ${O}(\log K)$ leakage ratio exponent with fixed download cost $D$ and number of servers $N$, in contrast to the previous art that only achieves a $\Theta(K)$ exponent, where $K$ is the number of messages.
Abstract:We consider coverless steganography where a Large Language Model (LLM) drives an arithmetic coding decoder to generate stego-texts. An efficient method should embed secret message bits in as few language tokens as possible, while still keeping the stego-text natural and fluent. We show that on the individual token level, this problem is mathematically equivalent to maximizing the entropy of a replacement probability distribution of the next token generation, subject to a constraint on the KL divergence between the chosen probability distribution and the original distribution given by the LLM. A closed-form solution is provided for the optimization problem, which can be computed efficiently. Several important practical issues are also tackled: 1) An often-overlooked tokenization mismatch issue is resolved with a simple prompt selection approach, 2) The combination of the optimized distribution and the vocabulary truncation technique is considered, and 3) The combination of the optimized distribution with other sequence-level selection heuristics to further enhance the efficiency and reliability is studied.