Abstract:This research leverages Conformal Prediction (CP) in the form of Conformal Predictive Systems (CPS) to accurately estimate uncertainty in a suite of machine learning (ML)-based radio metric models [1] as well as in a 2-D map-based ML path loss model [2]. Utilizing diverse difficulty estimators, we construct 95% confidence prediction intervals (PIs) that are statistically robust. Our experiments demonstrate that CPS models, trained on Toronto datasets, generalize effectively to other cities such as Vancouver and Montreal, maintaining high coverage and reliability. Furthermore, the employed difficulty estimators identify challenging samples, leading to measurable reductions in RMSE as dataset difficulty decreases. These findings highlight the effectiveness of scalable and reliable uncertainty estimation through CPS in wireless network modeling, offering important potential insights for network planning, operations, and spectrum management.
Abstract:This paper presents a suite of machine learning models, CRC-ML-Radio Metrics, designed for modeling RSRP, RSRQ, and RSSI wireless radio metrics in 4G environments. These models utilize crowdsourced data with local environmental features to enhance prediction accuracy across both indoor at elevation and outdoor urban settings. They achieve RMSE performance of 9.76 to 11.69 dB for RSRP, 2.90 to 3.23 dB for RSRQ, and 9.50 to 10.36 dB for RSSI, evaluated on over 300,000 data points in the Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver areas. These results demonstrate the robustness and adaptability of the models, supporting precise network planning and quality of service optimization in complex Canadian urban environments.