Abstract:Given a set of $n$ vectors in $\mathbb{R}^d$, the goal of the \emph{determinant maximization} problem is to pick $k$ vectors with the maximum volume. Determinant maximization is the MAP-inference task for determinantal point processes (DPP) and has recently received considerable attention for modeling diversity. As most applications for the problem use large amounts of data, this problem has been studied in the relevant \textit{composable coreset} setting. In particular, [Indyk-Mahabadi-OveisGharan-Rezaei--SODA'20, ICML'19] showed that one can get composable coresets with optimal approximation factor of $\tilde O(k)^k$ for the problem, and that a local search algorithm achieves an almost optimal approximation guarantee of $O(k)^{2k}$. In this work, we show that the widely-used Greedy algorithm also provides composable coresets with an almost optimal approximation factor of $O(k)^{3k}$, which improves over the previously known guarantee of $C^{k^2}$, and supports the prior experimental results showing the practicality of the greedy algorithm as a coreset. Our main result follows by showing a local optimality property for Greedy: swapping a single point from the greedy solution with a vector that was not picked by the greedy algorithm can increase the volume by a factor of at most $(1+\sqrt{k})$. This is tight up to the additive constant $1$. Finally, our experiments show that the local optimality of the greedy algorithm is even lower than the theoretical bound on real data sets.
Abstract:Catastrophic overfitting is a phenomenon observed during Adversarial Training (AT) with the Fast Gradient Sign Method (FGSM) where the test robustness steeply declines over just one epoch in the training stage. Prior work has attributed this loss in robustness to a sharp decrease in $\textit{local linearity}$ of the neural network with respect to the input space, and has demonstrated that introducing a local linearity measure as a regularization term prevents catastrophic overfitting. Using a simple neural network architecture, we experimentally demonstrate that maintaining high local linearity might be $\textit{sufficient}$ to prevent catastrophic overfitting but is not $\textit{necessary.}$ Further, inspired by Parseval networks, we introduce a regularization term to AT with FGSM to make the weight matrices of the network orthogonal and study the connection between orthogonality of the network weights and local linearity. Lastly, we identify the $\textit{double descent}$ phenomenon during the adversarial training process.