Abstract:Gradient descent and backpropagation have enabled neural networks to achieve remarkable results in many real-world applications. Despite ongoing success, training a neural network with gradient descent can be a slow and strenuous affair. We present a simple yet faster training algorithm called Zeroth-Order Relaxed Backpropagation (ZORB). Instead of calculating gradients, ZORB uses the pseudoinverse of targets to backpropagate information. ZORB is designed to reduce the time required to train deep neural networks without penalizing performance. To illustrate the speed up, we trained a feed-forward neural network with 11 layers on MNIST and observed that ZORB converged 300 times faster than Adam while achieving a comparable error rate, without any hyperparameter tuning. We also broaden the scope of ZORB to convolutional neural networks, and apply it to subsamples of the CIFAR-10 dataset. Experiments on standard classification and regression benchmarks demonstrate ZORB's advantage over traditional backpropagation with Gradient Descent.
Abstract:The backpropagation algorithm, which had been originally introduced in the 1970s, is the workhorse of learning in neural networks. This backpropagation algorithm makes use of the famous machine learning algorithm known as Gradient Descent, which is a first-order iterative optimization algorithm for finding the minimum of a function. To find a local minimum of a function using gradient descent, one takes steps proportional to the negative of the gradient (or of the approximate gradient) of the function at the current point. In this paper, we develop an alternative to the backpropagation without the use of the Gradient Descent Algorithm, but instead we are going to devise a new algorithm to find the error in the weights and biases of an artificial neuron using Moore-Penrose Pseudo Inverse. The numerical studies and the experiments performed on various datasets are used to verify the working of this alternative algorithm.