Abstract:This work introduces Transformer-based Successive Convexification (T-SCvx), an extension of Transformer-based Powered Descent Guidance (T-PDG), generalizable for efficient six-degree-of-freedom (DoF) fuel-optimal powered descent trajectory generation. Our approach significantly enhances the sample efficiency and solution quality for nonconvex-powered descent guidance by employing a rotation invariant transformation of the sampled dataset. T-PDG was previously applied to the 3-DoF minimum fuel powered descent guidance problem, improving solution times by up to an order of magnitude compared to lossless convexification (LCvx). By learning to predict the set of tight or active constraints at the optimal control problem's solution, Transformer-based Successive Convexification (T-SCvx) creates the minimal reduced-size problem initialized with only the tight constraints, then uses the solution of this reduced problem to warm-start the direct optimization solver. 6-DoF powered descent guidance is known to be challenging to solve quickly and reliably due to the nonlinear and non-convex nature of the problem, the discretization scheme heavily influencing solution validity, and reference trajectory initialization determining algorithm convergence or divergence. Our contributions in this work address these challenges by extending T-PDG to learn the set of tight constraints for the successive convexification (SCvx) formulation of the 6-DoF powered descent guidance problem. In addition to reducing the problem size, feasible and locally optimal reference trajectories are also learned to facilitate convergence from the initial guess. T-SCvx enables onboard computation of real-time guidance trajectories, demonstrated by a 6-DoF Mars powered landing application problem.
Abstract:In this work, we present Transformer-based Powered Descent Guidance (T-PDG), a scalable algorithm for reducing the computational complexity of the direct optimization formulation of the spacecraft powered descent guidance problem. T-PDG uses data from prior runs of trajectory optimization algorithms to train a transformer neural network, which accurately predicts the relationship between problem parameters and the globally optimal solution for the powered descent guidance problem. The solution is encoded as the set of tight constraints corresponding to the constrained minimum-cost trajectory and the optimal final time of landing. By leveraging the attention mechanism of transformer neural networks, large sequences of time series data can be accurately predicted when given only the spacecraft state and landing site parameters. When applied to the real problem of Mars powered descent guidance, T-PDG reduces the time for computing the 3 degree of freedom fuel-optimal trajectory, when compared to lossless convexification, from an order of 1-8 seconds to less than 500 milliseconds. A safe and optimal solution is guaranteed by including a feasibility check in T-PDG before returning the final trajectory.