Abstract:We proposed a new modeling method to promote the performance of prohibited items recognition via X-ray image. We analyzed the characteristics of prohibited items and X-ray images. We found the fact that the scales of some items are too small to be recognized which encumber the model performance. Then we adopted a set of data augmentation and modified the model to adapt the field of prohibited items recognition. The Convolutional Block Attention Module(CBAM) and rescoring mechanism has been assembled into the model. By the modification, our model achieved a mAP of 89.9% on SIXray10, mAP of 74.8%.
Abstract:This work is a solution to densely packed scenes dataset SKU-110k. Our work is modified from cascade R-CNN. To solve the problem, we proposed a random crop strategy to ensure both the sampling rate and input scale is relatively sufficient as a contrast to the regular random crop. And we adopted some of trick and optimized the hyper-parameters. To grasp the essential feature of the densely packed scenes, we analysis the stages of a detector and investigate the bottleneck which limits the performance. As a result, our method obtains 58.7 mAP on test set of SKU-110k.