Abstract:We introduce fastcoref, a python package for fast, accurate, and easy-to-use English coreference resolution. The package is pip-installable, and allows two modes: an accurate mode based on the LingMess architecture, providing state-of-the-art coreference accuracy, and a substantially faster model, F-coref, which is the focus of this work. F-coref allows to process 2.8K OntoNotes documents in 25 seconds on a V100 GPU (compared to 6 minutes for the LingMess model, and to 12 minutes of the popular AllenNLP coreference model) with only a modest drop in accuracy. The fast speed is achieved through a combination of distillation of a compact model from the LingMess model, and an efficient batching implementation using a technique we call leftover batching. Our code is available at https://github.com/shon-otmazgin/fastcoref
Abstract:While coreference resolution typically involves various linguistic challenges, recent models are based on a single pairwise scorer for all types of pairs. We present LingMess, a new coreference model that defines different categories of coreference cases and optimize multiple pairwise scorers, where each scorer learns a specific set of linguistic challenges. Our model substantially improves pairwise scores for most categories and outperforms cluster-level performance on Ontonotes. Our model is available in https://github.com/shon-otmazgin/lingmess-coref