Abstract:In the era of data-driven decision-making, ensuring the privacy and security of shared data is paramount across various domains. Applying existing deep neural networks (DNNs) to encrypted data is critical and often compromises performance, security, and computational overhead. To address these limitations, this research introduces a secure framework consisting of a learnable encryption method based on the block-pixel operation to encrypt the data and subsequently integrate it with the Vision Transformer (ViT). The proposed framework ensures data privacy and security by creating unique scrambling patterns per key, providing robust performance against adversarial attacks without compromising computational efficiency and data integrity. The framework was tested on sensitive medical datasets to validate its efficacy, proving its ability to handle highly confidential information securely. The suggested framework was validated with a 94\% success rate after extensive testing on real-world datasets, such as MRI brain tumors and histological scans of lung and colon cancers. Additionally, the framework was tested under diverse adversarial attempts against secure data sharing with optimum performance and demonstrated its effectiveness in various threat scenarios. These comprehensive analyses underscore its robustness, making it a trustworthy solution for secure data sharing in critical applications.
Abstract:Privacy-preserving and secure data sharing are critical for medical image analysis while maintaining accuracy and minimizing computational overhead are also crucial. Applying existing deep neural networks (DNNs) to encrypted medical data is not always easy and often compromises performance and security. To address these limitations, this research introduces a secure framework consisting of a learnable encryption method based on the block-pixel operation to encrypt the data and subsequently integrate it with the Vision Transformer (ViT). The proposed framework ensures data privacy and security by creating unique scrambling patterns per key, providing robust performance against leading bit attacks and minimum difference attacks.
Abstract:Malware poses a significant security risk to individuals, organizations, and critical infrastructure by compromising systems and data. Leveraging memory dumps that offer snapshots of computer memory can aid the analysis and detection of malicious content, including malware. To improve the efficacy and address privacy concerns in malware classification systems, feature selection can play a critical role as it is capable of identifying the most relevant features, thus, minimizing the amount of data fed to classifiers. In this study, we employ three feature selection approaches to identify significant features from memory content and use them with a diverse set of classifiers to enhance the performance and privacy of the classification task. Comprehensive experiments are conducted across three levels of malware classification tasks: i) binary-level benign or malware classification, ii) malware type classification (including Trojan horse, ransomware, and spyware), and iii) malware family classification within each family (with varying numbers of classes). Results demonstrate that the feature selection strategy, incorporating mutual information and other methods, enhances classifier performance for all tasks. Notably, selecting only 25\% and 50\% of input features using Mutual Information and then employing the Random Forest classifier yields the best results. Our findings reinforce the importance of feature selection for malware classification and provide valuable insights for identifying appropriate approaches. By advancing the effectiveness and privacy of malware classification systems, this research contributes to safeguarding against security threats posed by malicious software.