Abstract:Commit messages explain code changes in a commit and facilitate collaboration among developers. Several commit message generation approaches have been proposed; however, they exhibit limited success in capturing the context of code changes. We propose Comet (Context-Aware Commit Message Generation), a novel approach that captures context of code changes using a graph-based representation and leverages a transformer-based model to generate high-quality commit messages. Our proposed method utilizes delta graph that we developed to effectively represent code differences. We also introduce a customizable quality assurance module to identify optimal messages, mitigating subjectivity in commit messages. Experiments show that Comet outperforms state-of-the-art techniques in terms of bleu-norm and meteor metrics while being comparable in terms of rogue-l. Additionally, we compare the proposed approach with the popular gpt-3.5-turbo model, along with gpt-4-turbo; the most capable GPT model, over zero-shot, one-shot, and multi-shot settings. We found Comet outperforming the GPT models, on five and four metrics respectively and provide competitive results with the two other metrics. The study has implications for researchers, tool developers, and software developers. Software developers may utilize Comet to generate context-aware commit messages. Researchers and tool developers can apply the proposed delta graph technique in similar contexts, like code review summarization.
Abstract:With the increasing usage, scale, and complexity of Deep Learning (DL) models, their rapidly growing energy consumption has become a critical concern. Promoting green development and energy awareness at different granularities is the need of the hour to limit carbon emissions of DL systems. However, the lack of standard and repeatable tools to accurately measure and optimize energy consumption at a fine granularity (e.g., at method level) hinders progress in this area. In this paper, we introduce FECoM (Fine-grained Energy Consumption Meter), a framework for fine-grained DL energy consumption measurement. Specifically, FECoM provides researchers and developers a mechanism to profile DL APIs. FECoM addresses the challenges of measuring energy consumption at fine-grained level by using static instrumentation and considering various factors, including computational load and temperature stability. We assess FECoM's capability to measure fine-grained energy consumption for one of the most popular open-source DL frameworks, namely TensorFlow. Using FECoM, we also investigate the impact of parameter size and execution time on energy consumption, enriching our understanding of TensorFlow APIs' energy profiles. Furthermore, we elaborate on the considerations, issues, and challenges that one needs to consider while designing and implementing a fine-grained energy consumption measurement tool. We hope this work will facilitate further advances in DL energy measurement and the development of energy-aware practices for DL systems.