Abstract:This paper provides a detailed analysis of the important performance metrics like effective capacity and symbol error rate over fluctuating Nakagami-m fading channel. This distribution is obtained from the ratio of two random variables, following the Nakagami-m distribution and the uniform distribution. Our study derives exact analytical expressions for the EC and SER under different modulation schemes, considering the effect of channel parameters. Recognising the importance of additive Laplacian noise in today scenario, it has been considered for the error performance analysis of the system. This work may be utilised for the design and optimization of the systems operating in environments characterized by fluctuating Nakagami-m fading.
Abstract:Given the imperative for advanced wireless networks in the next generation and the rise of real-time applications within wireless communication, there is a notable focus on investigating data rate performance across various fading scenarios. This research delved into analyzing the effective throughput of the shadowed Beaulieu-Xie (SBX) composite fading channel using the PDF-based approach. To get the simplified relationship between the performance parameter and channel parameters, the low-SNR and the high-SNR approximation of the effective rate are also provided. The proposed formulations are evaluated for different values of system parameters to study their impact on the effective throughput. Also, the impact of the delay parameter on the EC is investigated. Monte-Carlo simulations are used to verify the facticity of the deduced equations.