Abstract:Existing eye trackers use cameras based on thick compound optical elements, necessitating the cameras to be placed at focusing distance from the eyes. This results in the overall bulk of wearable eye trackers, especially for augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR) headsets. We overcome this limitation by building a compact flat eye gaze tracker using mask-based lensless cameras. These cameras, in combination with co-designed lightweight deep neural network algorithm, can be placed in extreme close proximity to the eye, within the eyeglasses frame, resulting in ultra-flat and lightweight eye gaze tracker system. We collect a large dataset of near-eye lensless camera measurements along with their calibrated gaze directions for training the gaze tracking network. Through real and simulation experiments, we show that the proposed gaze tracking system performs on par with conventional lens-based trackers while maintaining a significantly flatter and more compact form-factor. Moreover, our gaze regressor boasts real-time (>125 fps) performance for gaze tracking.
Abstract:Despite the remarkable success of LLMs, they still suffer from tool invocation and tool chaining due to inadequate input queries and/or tool argument descriptions. We propose two novel frameworks, RE-GAINS and EnCHANT, enabling LLMs to tackle tool manipulation for solving complex user queries by making API calls. EnCHANT is an open-source solution that makes use of an LLM format enforcer, an LLM(OpenChat 3.5) and a retriever(ToolBench's API Retriever). RE-GAINS is based on OpenAI models and embeddings using a special prompt based on the RAP paper. Both solutions cost less than $0.01 per query with minimal latency, therefore showcasing the usefulness of the frameworks.