Abstract:In the past years, power grids have become a valuable target for cyber-attacks. Especially the attacks on the Ukrainian power grid has sparked numerous research into possible attack vectors, their extent, and possible mitigations. However, many fail to consider realistic scenarios in which time series are incorporated into simulations to reflect the transient behaviour of independent generators and consumers. Moreover, very few consider the limited sensory input of a potential attacker. In this paper, we describe a reactive power attack based on a well-understood scenario. We show that independent agents can learn to use the dynamics of the power grid against it and that the attack works even in the face of other generator and consumer nodes acting independently.
Abstract:Modern cyber-physical systems (CPS), such as our energy infrastructure, are becoming increasingly complex: An ever-higher share of Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based technologies use the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) facet of energy systems for operation optimization, cost efficiency, and to reach CO2 goals worldwide. At the same time, markets with increased flexibility and ever shorter trade horizons enable the multi-stakeholder situation that is emerging in this setting. These systems still form critical infrastructures that need to perform with highest reliability. However, today's CPS are becoming too complex to be analyzed in the traditional monolithic approach, where each domain, e.g., power grid and ICT as well as the energy market, are considered as separate entities while ignoring dependencies and side-effects. To achieve an overall analysis, we introduce the concept for an application of distributed artificial intelligence as a self-adaptive analysis tool that is able to analyze the dependencies between domains in CPS by attacking them. It eschews pre-configured domain knowledge, instead exploring the CPS domains for emergent risk situations and exploitable loopholes in codices, with a focus on rational market actors that exploit the system while still following the market rules.
Abstract:Modern algorithms in the domain of Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) demonstrated remarkable successes; most widely known are those in game-based scenarios, from ATARI video games to Go and the StarCraft~\textsc{II} real-time strategy game. However, applications in the domain of modern Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) that take advantage a vast variety of DRL algorithms are few. We assume that the benefits would be considerable: Modern CPS have become increasingly complex and evolved beyond traditional methods of modelling and analysis. At the same time, these CPS are confronted with an increasing amount of stochastic inputs, from volatile energy sources in power grids to broad user participation stemming from markets. Approaches of system modelling that use techniques from the domain of Artificial Intelligence (AI) do not focus on analysis and operation. In this paper, we describe the concept of Adversarial Resilience Learning (ARL) that formulates a new approach to complex environment checking and resilient operation: It defines two agent classes, attacker and defender agents. The quintessence of ARL lies in both agents exploring the system and training each other without any domain knowledge. Here, we introduce the ARL software architecture that allows to use a wide range of model-free as well as model-based DRL-based algorithms, and document results of concrete experiment runs on a complex power grid.