Abstract:The integration of Federated Learning (FL) and Multi-Task Learning (MTL) has been explored to address client heterogeneity, with Federated Multi-Task Learning (FMTL) treating each client as a distinct task. However, most existing research focuses on data heterogeneity (e.g., addressing non-IID data) rather than task heterogeneity, where clients solve fundamentally different tasks. Additionally, much of the work relies on centralized settings with a server managing the federation, leaving the more challenging domain of decentralized FMTL largely unexplored. Thus, this work bridges this gap by proposing ColNet, a framework designed for heterogeneous tasks in decentralized federated environments. ColNet divides models into the backbone and task-specific layers, forming groups of similar clients, with group leaders performing conflict-averse cross-group aggregation. A pool of experiments with different federations demonstrated ColNet outperforms the compared aggregation schemes in decentralized settings with label and task heterogeneity scenarios.